Loadstar 24
t.garbage collec
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Text File
359 lines
Dick Bull
When writing and running file
programs in BASIC, I would run into
an apparent lockup in my 64. I had
read some articles on garbage
collection. Could this be my
problem?? After rereading the
articles I was convinced that this
was indeed what was happening and
went along with the authors' opinion
that nothing could be done about it.
When working on my last program,
however, it became a major problem,
so I went back to the research.
Microsoft BASIC used by Commodore
does not set aside a specific
location to store its strings in.
Instead it utilizes any unused memory
available, starting at the highest
address used by BASIC, 40959, and
works down until it's about to
collide with the BASIC arrays. BASIC
arrays store themselves working
upwards. You can't possibly use up
the 30k remaining after your program,
can you?.. Yes!!! Here comes the
garbage. A simple program can use up
a lot of "string memory":
10 B$="bill": print "[clr]"
20 input "Your name";A$
30 print "Hi "A$
35 if A$=B$ then 60
40 print "sorry I am not looking for
you today"
50 for t= 1 to 2000: next: goto 10
60 print "lets get to work"
70 rem rest of program
Each time a new name is entered it
uses up memory, not permanently like
a program or the strings you want to
keep, but temporarily until the
computer needs the room. Suppose I
were to enter "Fred" to the prompt in
line 20. The computer would store it
like this:
40949 = d
40958 = e
40957 = r
40956 = F
The computer then sets the pointer
for a$ (elsewhere in memory) to point
to 40956. "Fred" is not what the
program was looking for so the
program goes back to 10. Next I enter
"Tom"; the computer continues to store
in a downward direction and changes
the pointer for a$ to start at 40953.
40955 = m
40954 = o
40953 = T
"Fred" 40956 - 40959 becomes useless
garbage. The computer is content to
waste this space until it is needed.
When the 64 goes to store a string
and can't find enough room, it takes
out the garbage, crunching any
strings that are still needed toward
the top of memory.
This garbage collection routine can
take considerable time and your
computer will appear to lock up.
I don't know the maximum time it can
take, but I know I have hit the
run/stop key and finally the
[run/stop restore] out of desperation
thinking the computer had gone to
never never land. It will take about
nineteen minutes for 3800 strings to
be garbage collected.
There are two variables: how long
will the garbage collection take and
how often will it be needed. The
number of valid strings and the
number of string arrays declared in a
dim statement have the greatest effect
on the time needed to garbage
collect. The amount of garbage
generated and the length of the
strings still needed does not have a
significant effect on the time
required. They will ,however,
determine how often garbage
collection is needed.
Doubling either the number of
strings used or the number
dimensioned doubles the time
required. A variable dimensioned to
200 and with 100 used will take about
1.5 seconds; dimed to 500 and 250
used takes 8.4 seconds; 3200
dimensioned and used will take 13
minutes and 29 seconds to crunch the
strings and clear the garbage.
You can force the computer to
garbage collect at a time convenient
to you by using the fre(0) command.
This is what I tried first, forcing a
collection when returning to the main
menu. It soon became a pain in the
neck to wait, even if the computer
had just done the job. I had read
that you could not predict when
collection was going to occur so this
was the best that I could manage. I
could tell from the partially
finished menu screen that it was
garbage collecting and not locked up.
Thinking of my predicament, I kept
coming back to the fact that if the
computer knew when it needed to
collect, why couldn't I know too?
Looking at a memory map I discovered
the solution. Memory locations 51
and 52 contained the pointer to the
bottom of string storage. Location
49 and 50 contained the pointer to
the top of basic arrays. A one line
computation would tell me the amount
of unused memory available before
garbage collection was necessary:
300 f= peek(52)*256 + peek(51) -
peek(50)*256 - peek(49)
Not needing an exact figure I was
able to shorten the test and write
the following routine that prints a
prompt and forces collection if it
would be needed soon:
300 IF PEEK(52)-PEEK(51)>1 THEN
310 PRINT"[home][red]TAKING OUT THE
320 FR=FRE(0):PRINT"[csr up][39
spaces]":POKE 198,0 : RETURN
It is then only necessary to place
a gosub 300 after each string
manipulation. Line 300 checks for
at least 256 free bytes left. If so,
it returns to your program. If the 1
in >1 is increased the routine can be
called less often. The max input#
length is 80 charactors, so with >1
it could be called every three
inputs, 3 * 80 = 240.
If it is time to collect garbage
the prompt in 310 is printed,
collecting is accomplished, and
the prompt is erased by line 320. By
poking 198 with 0 it clears the
keyboard buffer in case someone has
been impatiently pressing keys. The
prompt gives the indication of what
is currently going on within the
apparently locked-up computer. The
colors and the positioning used can
of course be altered to fit the
It is reassuring to see the prompt
come on and then clear before
execution is resumed. I also added
sound routines at the start and end
to alert me to the change in program
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